
Troubleshooting for Deploying Hugo on GitHub

Website is not deployed after pushing the change to master branch

gh-pages.xml which deploys the change to gh-pages branch had two issues. The branch name from the tutorial is main which is not matched with the default branch from the GitHub. master is correct branch name.

            - master # This was main. Fix it!

Also the if statement below blocks the deployment. Remove or comment it out.

      - name: Deploy
        uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
        # if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main'
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          publish_dir: ./public

Posts are not listed under /

Looks like Permalinks doesn’t work as expected with the skeletonfw theme.

When the permalinks is configured, index.html and list.html should list up the posts under /posts according to the doc - Lists of Contents in Hugo.

  fixed = ":slug/"
  posts = "/:year/:month/:slug/"

Example code for list.html:

    <!-- Ranges through content/posts/*.md -->
    {{ range .Pages }}
            <a href="{{.Permalink}}">{{.Date.Format "2006-01-02"}} | {{.Title}}</a>
    {{ end }}

But some reason it doesn’t work for me. So I needed to rewrite index.html to render the /posts instead of trying to list up the posts. The commit is here.

Use custom domain with the DreamHost

  1. Make sure to set your domain to DNS Only in DreamHost. Also remove any redirection.
  2. Configure an apex domain from GitHub. Create A records with the IP addresses for GitHub pages. This is needed to use GitHub DNS when the custom domain is queried. So now when you enter the custom domain to a web browser, the GitHub DNS is used for look-up.
  3. Add CNAME file with your custom domain name under the root of GitHub webpage. The GitHub DNS will use CNAME to look up the custom domain. The commit link is here.

Make it searchable

Refer the post

Remaining taks